Intrum Bond Yields Shift Amid Back Book Sale Talks
Intrum Bond Yields Shift Amid Back Book Sale Talks

Intrum's bond yield declined due to aligning with the firm's announcement of engaging in discussions to sell part of its back book as a strategic measure to address financial challenges and pursue deleveraging.

The bond under scrutiny, INTRUM 4.875 15-AUG-2025 EUR (XS2211136168), has witnessed a noteworthy shift in its yield. Over the course of the week, the yield has decreased by a substantial 153 basis points, settling at 10.1%.

Yield curve illustration showing the performance of the INTRUM bond (XS2211136168), with a 4.875% coupon, due on August 15, 2025, in Euros.

This shift in yield aligns with recent developments surrounding Intrum AB. On December 4, the Swedish credit services firm observed a surge in its stock price, climbing as much as 8.5%, the most significant gain since November 14. This followed Intrum's official acknowledgment of ongoing discussions about potentially selling a portion of its back book, as reported in the Spanish paper El Confidencial.

Intrum, addressing the speculation, confirmed its engagement in talks to sell part of its back book, aligning with its previously communicated strategy outlined in the Capital Markets Day in September. The firm aims to divest segments of its back book to mitigate financial risk and continue its path of deleveraging. The company emphasized its commitment to updating the market as negotiations progress, leaving the possibility of a potential deal open.

This move comes against the backdrop of Intrum grappling with funding challenges in November, resorting to tapping bank credit lines due to difficulties in selling commercial paper. The company's efforts to reduce debt and cut costs have led to the suspension of dividend payments and plans to sell assets and exit certain markets.

The company's senior unsecured debt is rated as follows: 'BB-' by Fitch, 'B2' by Moody's, and 'BB' by S&P.

About Intrum

Intrum AB, formerly known as Intrum Justitia AB, is a Sweden-based Credit Management Services (CMS) company that operates in Europe and internationally. The company offers diverse credit optimization services, encompassing credit monitoring, decision-making, factoring, and credit information. Additionally, it provides debt collection services, including surveillance and purchase services. The company also delivers payment services such as reminders, payment guarantees, and VAT services. Its e-commerce services cover credit management, payment solutions, and collection services. The suite of accounts receivables services includes invoicing, payment booking, due date monitoring, reminders, and collection services. Furthermore, Intrum offers financing and portfolio investment services. In 2022, revenues amounted to €1.7 billion. The company is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and publicly listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm exchange. Intrum AB has a market capitalization of €622.26 million. as of December 8, 2023.

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